Max International Product Testimonials

 Max helping with Autism 

Last night I went to a Max International meeting and listened to a lady talk about her testimonial with Max. 

The most amazing thing she talked about was her son who has autism, she said his concentration was terrible and he was struggling badly at school and all the other symptoms that go with that. 

She did her research and looked into the Max products and found that her son could benefit, so with fingers crossed she got him started.

That was 3 years ago and he had just started high school, his concentration improved and all his other symtoms faded away, he now has an amazing life and you would not even think he had autism anymore, at the moment he is in Japan as an exchange student. 

How great is that?

You too can have your own Max Story, just take that first step and purchase your first bottle of releif today.



Find Out How I Have Relieved The Pain From Fibromyagia.


When I was seven I contracted meningitis, (a massive infection in the brain) although I seem to survive this with no problems it wasn’t until later I discovered I was having problems with all sorts of things, bladder, chronic pain, bright lights, dehydration, dry skin, my skin became sore to touch, and if I injured myself in any way it would take months or sometimes years for the pain to go away. Most of my pain was in my neck, shoulders, back, and chest. I was diagnosed 5 years ago with fibromyalgia.

Keeping a positive attitude is very important and I meditate regularly, but this still didn’t really get rid of my pain if I did too much, like house work or gardening I would suffer more pain.

And then I was introduced to Max, my energy increased by the second day I couldn’t believe by 12pm on the second day I had cleaned my whole house done two loads of washing and was ready to go for a walk. 2 weeks into MaxONE and my pain has decreased significantly, I’m not running to the toilet every ½ hour, and I lost all the extra fluid I was carrying around.   

Imagine what I’ll be like in 3 months, I love Max and that’s why I became a distributor so I can share this great product with the world.  

Well It's just gone 3 months since I started on MaxOne and I really do find myself saying fibro-what? I feel really good. I walk for anything up to 2 hours 3 to 4 times per week and nothing no pain, even the syatica pain has gone. If your having any kind of health problems you owe it to yourself to try these amazing products.                                 

 Michelle Williams





This is Polly's experience with Cellgevity, Polly has diabetes and other health problems.






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